The Power of the Written Word – Gustavo Rosario

I am always interested in the effects of literature on its readers. It amazes me how much literature influences most of these other topics. Literacy has an effect on image as we discussed in class; a caption can drastically change the meaning of the image it follows. Literacy is also a means of control, whether it be from a censorship of the things we read or a censorship of the things we may right. I am reminded of how time and time again literacy was used to control the masses. The church used it to keep the word of the Bible out of the hands of the masses which, in turn, kept them reliant on the church. The press, a medium many trust to be dedicated in their pursuit of the truth, were shown to not always have the public’s interest at heart. In “The Black Press: Soldiers Without Swords” viewers were shown a press that refused to comment on the mistreatment of fellow citizens all because they were of a different skin tone. Even today words are used to control our views, I’m reminded of Bernie Sanders’ portrayal in the media who believes him to be a hopeless candidate who should have long dropped out but Governor Sanders seems to be going strong and shows no signs of slowing down.

One thought on “The Power of the Written Word – Gustavo Rosario

  1. Great modern-day analogy with bernie sanders . Very cool !


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